J51 Mahāsīlava Jātaka



绘图/ 柯淑凌
设计/ 王宗使
编译/ 自在居友
审稿/ 陈语

The Great Virtue King

Jātaka 51: Mahāsīlava Jātaka
A king forbids the ministers to fight against the robber king, yet was captured and buried alive in a forest of abandoned corpses. How did he escape the jackals? How did he become the judge of yakkhas (ogres)? How did he get back his kingdom afterwards?

Readability level: Advanced
Illustrated by Kwa Seok Leng
Designed by Ong Chong Sai
Retold by Zi Zai Ju
Proofread by Lee Ee Jin

人应有希望…” —— 一时,导师佛陀住在祇陀林(Jetavana)时,说此佛法开示,关于一位放弃精进努力的比丘。
One should have hope,” – On one occasion, when Buddha, the Teacher, was dwelling in Jetavana Grove, He gave this Dhamma teaching, to a bhikkhu who gave up his diligent efforts.

The Teacher asked the bhikkhu, “Bhikkhu, you gave up your effort, is that true?”

The bhikkhu replied, “Yes, Bhante.”

The Teacher said “You have become a bhikkhu, and are under the teaching that leading to the liberation, why give up your diligence? In the past, there was a kingdom of a wise has fallen into the hands of others, and it was through diligence that the lost glory was finally restored.”

The Teacher spoke of the past.


In the past, when King Brahmadatta was ruling the city of Bārāṇasī, the Bodhisatta was born from the womb of the queen-consort. On the day of his naming ceremony, he was named “Prince Virtue” (Sīlava-Kumāra).

By the age of sixteen, he had mastered all skills. After the death of his father, he succeeded to the throne and was known as "Great Virtue King” (Mahā-Sīlava-Rājā).

他是如法正直的法王(Dhammiko Dhammarājā)。
He was a Dhammarājā who ruled with righteousness (dhammika).

He built six alms-halls (dānasālā) at six places – the four gates of the capital city, the city centre, and the entrance of the royal palace to provide alms to the poor.

He kept moral precepts and observed eight precepts during Uposatha day (uposathakammaṃ). He possessed virtues of forbearance (patience), loving-kindness, and compassion; he treated all beings like embracing a child sitting on his lap and ruled the Kingdom with Dhamma.

Just then, there was a minister who did evil deeds in the inner palace, which became a well-known matter. The other ministers denounced this matter to the king.

国王深入调查,亲自证实。召见那个大臣,说道:“瞎了眼的愚人,你作了不适当之事,不配呆在我的王国。带上你的财产、妻儿到别处去吧!” 就这样,国王把他赶出了王国。
The king made a thorough investigation and personally verified the case. He summoned the minister and said, “Blinded fool, you have done inappropriate things, and are not worthy to stay in my kingdom. Take your property, wife and children and go elsewhere!” And with that, the king drove the minister out of the kingdom.

That minister left the Kingdom of Kāsi and reached the Kingdom of Kosala, where he served the King Kosala and gradually became the king’s trusted confidant and aide.

One day, he said to King Kosala, “Your majesty, the Kingdom of Bārāṇasī is like a honeycomb without flies and larvae; its king is very gentle and a few troops and mounts1 will be sufficient to conquer the Kingdom of Bārāṇasī.”

When King Kosala heard this, he thought to himself, “The Kingdom of Bārāṇasī is a large kingdom, but he said, ‘a few troops and mounts will be sufficient to conquer the Kingdom of Bārāṇasī. What is going on? Was he sent here as a spy?”

So he said, “I think you are a spy!”

“Your majesty, I am not a spy. I speak of the truth. If you do not believe me, you can send some men to destroy the villages on his borders. When your men are captured and brought before him, he will give them possessions and release them.”

King Kosala thought, “This man speaks boldly, let’s try it.” Hence, he sent some of his men to destroy a border village.

The people captured the bandits and brought them to the King of Bārāṇasī, who saw them and asked,

“My children, why did you destroy the village?”

“Because we cannot make a living, your majesty,” they replied.

“既然如此,为什么不来找我?” 国王说道, “从今以后不准再做这种事了。” 于是给了他们财物,放了他们。
“If that is the case, why don’t you come to me?” said the king, “it is forbidden to do this kind of thing from now on.” So, he gave them possessions and released them.

They went back and informed this matter to King Kosala; However, he still did not dare to go. Once again, men were sent to destroy the central part of the country. These bandits were again granted wealth and released by King of Bārānasī. But even so, King Kosala still did not dare to go forth.

Sending men once again, this time to plunder the inner streets! The King of Bārānasī once again sent away the bandits with possessions and released them.

Finally, King Kosala finally understood, “This is a king who full of Dhamma (ativiya dhammiko rājā).” Hence, he decided and said, “Let’s seize the Kingdom of Bārāṇasī” and he set off with his troops and mounts.

当时,波罗奈王拥有一千名难以打败、杰出和勇猛的勇士—— 即使狂象迎面而来,也有不折之气概;即使帝释天王(Sakka)的雷电杵落到头上,也不会有丝毫畏惧之气概。只要大具戒王有此意图,他们的能力是可以拿下整个阎浮洲(Jambudīpa,现在的印度)。
At that time, the King of Bārāṇasī had a thousand unbeatable, excellent and brave warriors, who would face an incoming mad elephant head-on; who would not have slightest fear even when the thunderbolt of Indra (Sakka, the lord of the gods) was striking their heads. If the Great Virtue King had the intention, their ability could take down the entire Jambudīpa (now known as India).

When they heard: “King Kosala is coming!” The warriors approached their king and said, “Your majesty! King Kosala has really come to invade the Kingdom of Bārāṇasī. We will fight now, defeat and capture him before he can set foot on our border.”

“孩子们!” 国王阻止道:“你们可不能因为我而劳累。任何人想要王国,就取走吧,你们不准去。”
“Children!” said the king. “You shall not weary because of me. If anyone want the kingdom, let them take it, you are not allowed to go.”

King Kosala crossed the border and entered the center of the country. Once again, the ministers went to the king with the same petition, but the king rejected them with the same reasons he had given before.

King Kosala stopped outside the city, and sent a letter of war to the king, “Surrender your kingdom or we shall go to war!”

When the king heard this, he sent a messenger to reply, “I do not want to go to war, take my kingdom!”

So, the king’s ministers once again went to their king and said, “Your majesty, we cannot allow King Kosala to enter our city. We can just defeat and capture him outside the city.”

However, the king stopped them with the same reasons he had given before. The king ordered the city’s gates to be opened and he sat on the throne of the great platform with a thousand of his ministers.

King Kosala and his great army force entered Bārāṇasī. He did not meet a single enemy on the way. King Kosala and his many ministers who surrounded him came to the gate of the palace city together.

The city gates were wide open; the guiltless Great Virtue King sat in the great hall with his thousand ministers.

King Kosala ordered all of them to be captured, “Go! Tie the king and his ministers with their hands tightly tied behind their backs, and lead them to the forest of abandoned corpses. There, dig a neck-deep pit, so that everyone can’t even stretch out a hand. With that, fill the pit with soil to bury them in. When the jackals come at night, they will do what they are supposed to do!”

Hearing the order of the robber king, the men tightly bound the hands of the king and his ministers and hauled them away.

However, even at this moment, the Great Virtue King still had no anger towards the robber king. Although his ministers were bounded and dragged away, not one of them disobeyed their king’s words. They really are such a well-trained group.

So, the aides of the robber king led the Great Virtue King and his ministers to the forest of abandoned corpses, dug a neck-deep pit, placed the Great Virtue King in the center, and his ministers on either side of him. And thus, they pushed everyone into the pit, covered them in dirt, firmly packed the dirt and left.

At this time, the Great Virtue King called out to his ministers, instructing: “Children, regarding the robber king, don’t be angry, just cultivate loving-kindness!”

来到夜半时分,豺群心想:“我们应该去吃人肉了!” 国王与大臣们见豺群逼近,齐声喊叫,把豺群吓跑。
At midnight, the jackals thought to themselves: “We should feast on human flesh now!” When they saw the jackals approaching, the king and ministers shouted in unison, scaring the jackals away.

When the jackals halted, they looked back, saw no one was chasing after them, so they went forward again. Similarly, the king and his ministers shouted loudly.

After escaping three times, the jackals realized that no one would chase after them. The jackals thought: “These people should be death-row prisoners.” So, they boldly returned. And this time, although the king and his ministers shouted, the jackals no longer fled.

The leader of the jackals went towards the king, while the rest of the jackals went towards the other ministers.

The clever and resourceful king knew that the jackal was approaching him, and stretched out his neck and pretended to let it bite him.

Just as the jackal was about to bite his neck, the king's jawbone gripped him like a mighty pincer, tightly holding the jackal’s neck with his elephant-like strength.

The trapped jackal unable to free itself, cried a great howl in fear of death.

The other jackals heard his cries of distress and thought, “Our leader should have been caught by one of the men.” They were also afraid of death and did not dare to approach the ministers, they all fled.

The jackal which was held tightly by the king's jawbone, shook his body back and forth, causing the soil loosened. Fearing death, the jackal used its four feet to claw the soil above the king. The king knew that the soil had loosened, so he let go of the jackal. Using his inborn power - the strength akin to an elephant, he shook his body back and forth, and finally stretched out both his hands!

Supporting himself with the edge of the pit, like the wind breaking apart the rain clouds, he emerged and stood up.

After comforting the ministers, he removed the soil, pulled out all the ministers, and stood in the forest of abandoned corpse.

At this time, some men abandoned a corpse in the abandoned corpse forest. Abandoned between the boundary of two yakkhas’ jurisdiction2, the yakkhas were unable to divide the corpse.

“We are unable to divide this. But the Great Virtue King is an upright Dhamma abiding person, he will divide it to us. Let's go to him!"

They grabbed the corpse’s feet, dragged it to the king and said, “Your majesty! Please help us divide this corpse!”

“My friends, yakkhas, I can divide it for you, but I am very dirty and I need to take a bath first.”

Immediately, the yakkhas used their supernatural powers to bring the perfumed water that was reserved for the robber king to the king to bathe.

After the king had taken a bath, they brought the robes that had been folded neatly for the robber king and presented it to the king.

After the king was dressed, they brought a box containing the four kinds of fragrances to the king.

After the king had applied the fragrance, they brought the king a golden box which contained a jeweled fan and all kinds of flowers.

The king put the flowers on his body, and they asked, “Is there anything else we can do?” The king showed a look of hunger.

They brought various gourmet delicacies that was prepared for the robber king to the king.

The king had bathed, perfumed, dressed, and enjoyed various gourmet delicacies.

Once again, the yakkhas brought what was prepared for the robber king − the fragrant drink in a golden kettle and the golden cups.

The king drank the drink, rinsed his mouth, and while washing his hands, the yakkhas brought the betel leaves mixed with five types of spices, which had been prepared for the robber king, and presented it to the king.

While the king was chewing, they asked, “Is there anything else we can do?”

The king said, “Bring me the auspicious sword on the robber king’s pillow.”

The yakkhas immediately went to get it. The king held the sword, set the corpse upright, and split it in half straight down from the head, dividing the corpse equally between the two yakkhas.

Having done this, the king wiped the sword, fastened it, and stood there.

Then the yakkhas began to eat human flesh. When they were full, they were very satisfied and happy, and asked the king, “Great king! Is there anything else we can do?”

“Using your supernatural powers, take me to the royal bedchamber of the robber king, and send these ministers back to their respective homes.”

“是的,陛下!” 夜叉接受道。并如此一一完成。
“Yes, your majesty!” the yakkhas accepted. Thus, it was done accordingly.

At that time, the robber king was sleeping on the royal bed in the well-decorated imperial chamber. When he was carelessly asleep, the king slapped his belly with the sword.

He woke up in fright, and under the light, he recognized the Great Virtue King.

From the bed, he jumped up. He mindfully stood up, and asked, “Great king! It is late at night, the palace is well-guarded, the gates are closed tight, no one has the chance to enter the palace. How can you be armed with a sword, dressed in robes of splendour, and come to this bed?”

The king told him in detail about his experience before he came.

Having heard this, the robber king’s mind moved by sense of urgency, and said, “Great king! Although I was born as a human being, but I didn’t realize your virtue. The ruthless yakkhas, who eats meat and sucks blood, know your virtue. King of people! From now on, towards you who is virtuous, I will never rebel again.”

So, he took the sword and pledged, begging the king for forgiveness. He asked the king to sleep on the big bed, while he himself will sleep on a small bed.

Thus, when the sun rose at dawn, the drums were struck, summon all the soldiers and minister, brahmins and the heads of households.

He extolled the goodness of the Great Virtue King to everyone, like a full moon rising out of the sky. In the middle of the assembly, he again begged the king for forgiveness, handed over the kingdom, and said, “Great king, from now on, I will be responsible to protect against any thieves. With my guard, may you manage the kingdom well!”

Ending his speech, he sentenced the slanderer, and then returned to his kingdom with his troops and mounts.

At that time, the Great Virtue King dressed in robes of splendour, sat on a golden throne in the shape of deer’s feet under the pure white king umbrella, observing his own achievements. And thought:



“If I did not work diligently, I would not have attained such an achievement, nor would lives of a thousand ministers be rescued. However, with diligence, I restored the lost glory, and let me save the lives of a thousand ministers. Therefore, one should not cut off the unfulfilled vows and aspirations. Diligence is the duty that should be done. That is because the fruits of putting in the effort are so effective.”



After reflecting, he was inspired and said this verse:

“Man should have hope, not turning away from the wise;
I saw it myself, my wish came true.”



The Bodhisatta uttered this solemn saying,

“Ah! My friend, indeed!
Diligence in the fruit of perfect morality is so effective.”

After a life spent in performing meritorious deeds, he passed away according to his kamma.


The Dhamma teaching ended, the Teacher then explained the Four Noble Truths. After preaching the Noble Truths, the bhikkhu who gave up his diligence attained the status of Arahantship.

The Teacher connected the previous birth with the present, as follows: “At that time, Devadatta was the corrupted minister, the Buddha’s disciples were the one-thousand ministers, and I myself the Great Virtue King.”




1. 在这本生故事中,菩萨展现了一位国王和领导者的必备素质与美德,使他自然地赢得了他的臣子们的遵循、人民的爱戴、夜叉的信任与供奉、和寇王的敬重,并归还了王国等。请从这本生故事中找出菩萨在身、语和意上,展现出以下相关的必备素质和美德,并注明是属于身行、语行或意行。


a) 正直:__________________________________________________
b) 布施/舍心:_____________________________________________
c) 持戒:__________________________________________________
d) 忍辱:__________________________________________________
e) 慈心:__________________________________________________
f) 怜悯/悲心:_____________________________________________
g) 智慧/善巧:_____________________________________________

2. 试举例如何依据以上领导者的必备素质和美德,行持在你的日常生活中。

a) 正直:__________________________________________________
b) 布施/舍心:_____________________________________________
c) 持戒:__________________________________________________
d) 忍辱:__________________________________________________
e) 慈心:__________________________________________________
f) 怜悯/悲心:_____________________________________________
g) 智慧/善巧:_____________________________________________

3. a) 菩萨的臣子们有什么身为跟随者(被领导者)的必备素质和美德?
    b) 试举例如何依据跟随者的必备素质和美德,行持在你的日常生活中。



十王法 (Dasasu Rājadhammesu)
记载在本生经534《大鹅本生》Mahāhaṁsa Jātaka注释:

一、Dasavatthukā cetanā dānaṁ︰以十类的思[3]行布施。
二、Pañcasīladasasīlāni sīlaṁ︰持戒,即受持五戒、十戒。
三、Deyyadhammacāgo pariccāgo︰给予物资和正法之功德舍施。
四、Ujubhāvo ajjavaṁ︰正直诚实。
五、Mudubhāvo maddavaṁ︰柔软温和。
六、Uposathakammaṁ tapo︰熱忱于布萨日持守八戒。
七、Mettāpubbabhāgo akkodho︰慈的前方便而无愤怒。
八、Karuṇāpubbabhāgo avihiṁsā︰悲的前方便而无害。
九、Adhivāsanā khanti︰坚忍忍辱。
十、Avirodho avirodhanaṁ︰无敌对无敌意。

十法行偈 (Dasa Dhammacariyagāthāyo)
记载在本生经521《三鸟本生》Tesakuṇa Jātaka注释,此偈颂是十项国王的行持:

一 、 大王!对众父母亲应行正法;剎帝利王族!此世行正法,王将生天界。
二 、 大王!对妻子儿女应行正法;剎帝利王族!此世行正法,王将生天界。
三 、 大王!剎帝利王族!对朋友朝臣应行正法;此世行正法,王将生天界。
四 、 大王!及对坐乘军兵应行正法;此世行正法,王将生天界。
五 、 大王!及对城镇乡村应行正法;此世行正法,王将生天界。
六 、 大王!及对国土州县应行正法;此世行正法,王将生天界。
七 、 大王!及对沙门婆罗门应行正法;此世行正法,王将生天界。
八 、 大王!对兽类鸟类应行正法;剎帝利王族!此世行正法,王将生天界。
九 、 大王!应行正法,行持正法带来快乐;此世行正法,王将生天界。
十 、 大王!应行正法,帝释与诸天神包括梵天世界;经遵守而到达天界,王于正法切勿放逸。

Teacher’s Guide:

Wisdom Questions:

1. In this Jātaka story, the Bodhisatta demonstrated the necessary qualities and virtues of a king or leader, so that he would naturally wins the obedience of his subjects; the love of his people; the trust and worship of yakkhas; the respect of the robber king, leading him to return his Kingdom, etc. Please find out from this Jātaka story the following related essential qualities and virtues of the Bodhisatta in body, speech and mind, and indicate whether it belongs to bodily, verbal or mental activity.

For example, Integrity: Bodhisatta ruled the kingdom with righteousness. (bodily activity)

a) Integrity: _____________________________________________________________
b) Generosity: ___________________________________________________________
c) Keeping precepts / Morality: _____________________________________________
d) Patience: _____________________________________________________________
e) Loving kindness: ______________________________________________________
f) Compassion: __________________________________________________________
g) Wisdom/ ingenuity: _____________________________________________________

2. Give examples of how you practise the above essential qualities and virtues of a leader in your daily life.

a) Integrity: _____________________________________________________________
b) Generosity: ___________________________________________________________
c) Keeping precepts / Morality: _____________________________________________
d) Patience: _____________________________________________________________
e) Loving kindness: ______________________________________________________
f) Compassion: __________________________________________________________
g) Wisdom/ ingenuity: _____________________________________________________

3. a) What qualities and virtues do Bodhisatta’s ministers have as the follower?
    b) Give examples of how to practise in your daily life according to the above qualities and virtues of followers.


In this Jātaka story it is mentioned that the “Great Virtue King” (Bodhisatta) is the King of Dhamma (Dhammarājā) who ruled righteously. How can a leader be honorably addressed as such? There are two sets of the king’s virtues mentioned in the suttas. i.e., “Ten Royal Righteousness” and “Verses of the Ten Acts of Righteousness”:

Ten Royal Righteousness (Dasasu Rājadhammesu)
Described in Mahāhaṁsa Jātaka (J534):

1. Dasavatthukā cetanā dānaṁ: alms-giving with ten types of intentions.
2. Pañcasīladasasīlāni sīlaṁ: moral practice, practising the five or ten moral precepts.
3. Deyyadhammacāgo pariccāgo: meritorious alms, giving the material and Dhamma.
4. Ujubhāvo ajjavaṁ: straight, uprightness.
5. Mudubhāvo maddavaṁ: soft, gentle.
6. Uposathakammaṁ tapo: austere in the observance of eight precepts during Uposatha day.
7. Mettāpubbabhāgo akkodho: prior to loving-kindness, one has to be free from anger.
8. Karuṇāpubbabhāgo avihiṁsā: prior to compassion, one has to be free from cruelty.
9. Adhivāsanā khanti: endurance, patience.
10. Avirodho avirodhanaṁ: absence of opposition, absence of hostility.

Verses of the Ten Acts of Righteousness (Dasa Dhammacariyagāthāyo)
Described in Tesakuṇa Jātaka (J521). These verses are the ten acts of a king:

1. Great king! Do righteously, to mothers and fathers; Man of the warrior caste! If in this life Dhamma is practised, the king will be born in the heavenly realm.

2. Great king! Do righteously, to wife and child; Man of the warrior caste! If in this life Dhamma is practised, the king will be born in the heavenly realm.

3. Great king! Do righteously, to friends and courtiers; Man of the warrior caste! If in this life Dhamma is practised, the king will be born in the heavenly realm.

4. Great king! And do righteously, to mounts and troops; if in this life Dhamma is practised, the king will be born in the heavenly realm.

5. Great king! And do righteously, to towns and countries; if in this life Dhamma is practised, the king will be born in the heavenly realm.

6. Great king! And do righteously, to kingdom and counties; if in this life Dhamma is practised, the king will be born in the heavenly realm.

7. Great king! And do righteously, to ascetics and brahmins; if in this life Dhamma is practised, the king will be born in the heavenly realm.

8. Great king! Do righteously, to beasts and birds; Man of the warrior caste! If in this life Dhamma is practised, the king will be born in the heavenly realm.

9. Great king! Do righteously, righteous practice brings happiness; if in this life Dhamma is practised, the king will be born in the heavenly realm.

10. Great king! Do righteously; Sakka, the king of devas and the devas including those from the Brahma world, reached the heavenly realm by well practicing; the king should not be heedless in practicing Dhamma.


省思 Reflection


When you see for yourself that you are diligent in perfecting the virtues,
The results are indeed that effective;
One should not cut off the will to uphold the precepts,
Diligence is what should be done.


[1] 乘骑指的是大象等等的军用交通工具。
      The mounts here are the elephants and etc. that used during the war.

     Each yakkha has its own area under its control, and it is not allowed to cross the boundary.

[3] 思就是造业的心所。
